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Showing posts with label ENGLISH. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bank of Baroda Clerk Exam Paper 2011

English Language

Directions (1-15)
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.
There is a story told of a king who lived long ago in a country across the sea. He was a very wise king, and spared no efforts to teach his people good habits. Often he did things which seemed to them strange and useless; but everything he did, he did to teach his people to be industrious and careful. "Nothing good can come to a nation, whose people complain and expect others to fix their problems for them" he said. "Good things from life come to those who take matters into their hands." One night, while everyone was asleep, he placed a large stone in the middle of the road that led past the place. Then he hid behind a bush, and waited to see what would happen.
First came a farmer with his wagon heavily loaded with grain, which he was taking to the mill to be ground. "Well, whoever saw such carelessness?" he said crossly, as he turned his wagon and drove around the stone. "Why don't these lazy people have that stone taken off from the road? " And so he went on complaining about the uselessness of others, but not touching the stone himself.
Soon afterwards, a young soldier came singing along the road. The long trail of his cap waved in the breeze, and a bright sword hung at his side. He was thinking of the wonderful bravery he would show in the war. The soldier did not see the stone, but struck his foot against it and went tossing in the dust. He rose to his feet, shook the dust from his clothes, picked up his sword, and complained angrily about the lazy people who had no more sense than to leave such a huge stone in the middle of the road. Then he, too, walked away, not once thinking that he might move it himself. And so the day passed. Everyone who came by complained and whined because the stone lay on the road, but no one touched it.
At last, just before nightfall, the miller's daughter came past. She was a hard-working girl and was very tired because she had been busy since early morning at the mill. But she said to herself, "It is almost dark, somebody may trip over this stone in the night, and perhaps he could be badly hurt. I will move it out of the way." So she tugged at the heavy stone. It was hard to move, but she pulled and pushed, and lifted until at last she moved it from its place. To her surprise, she found a box underneath. She lifted the box .It was heavy, for it was filled with something. Upon it was written: This box belong to the one who moved the stone. She opened the lid, and found that it was filled with gold! The miller's daughter went home with a happy heart.
When the farmer, the soldier and all the others heard what had happened, they gathered around the spot on the road where the stone had been. They scratched at the dust with their feet, hoping to turn up a piece of gold.
"My friends," said the king, "We often come across obstacles and burdens our way. We may complain out loud about them or we may choose to walk around them. Alternatively, we can analyse them and find out what they mean. Disappointment is usually the price of laziness." Then the wise king mounted his horse and rode away.

1. Why was the miler's daughter happy?
(1) She finished all her work at the mill.
(2) She won the bet placed by the king.
(3) The king declared her the most industrious persons in his kingdom.
(4) She was rewarded with a box full of gold that lay beneath the stone.
(5) The king offered her a hundred gold coins.

Ans. (4)

2. Why did the king place a stone in the middle of the road?
(1) He enjoyed troubling others.
(2) He wanted to watch people trip and fall.
(3) He wanted to cover a manhole in the road.
(4) He wanted to obstruct people from visiting the place.
(5) He wanted to teach his people to take matters into their own hands.

Ans.  (5)

3. The people completed while passing the road that led past the palace because
(A) there was a huge stone lying on the road.
(B) there was a manhole in the road.
(c) nobody was allowed to shift the stone on the road.

(1) Only (A)
(2) Only (C)
(3) Only (A) and (c)
(4) Only (B)
(5) None of these

Ans.  (1)

4. Which of the following adjectives given below would best describe the king?
(1) Evil     
(2) Industrious
(3) Lazy    
(4) Careless
(5) Suspicious

Ans. (2)

5. Why did the people from the country, including the farmer and the solider gather around the spot where the stone lay?
(1) They were hoping to discover a gold mine.
(2) They were told that the king was waiting for them at the very spot.
(3) They were hoping to discover some more gold for themselves.
(4)  They wanted to make sure that the stone was really removed.
(5) They wanted to inspect the damage done to the road.

Ans.  (3)

6. Who among the following did not attempt to move the stone?
(A) The farmer
(B) The miller's daughter
(C) The young soldier

(1) Only (A)
(2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C)
(4) Only (A) and (C)
(5) Only (A) and (B)

Ans.  (4)

7. Why did the king hide behind the bush?
(1) He wanted to see how his people would react to the stone.
(2) He was spying on the young soldier.
(3) He was not getting sleep.
(4) He wanted to guard the palace.
(5) None of these

Ans.  (1)

8. Which of the following statements is true of the miller's daughter according to the passage?
(1) She was a very considerate girl
(2) She was greedy
(3) She misguided the farmer and the young soldier
(4) She was very busy and had no time for others
(5) None of the above is true

Ans.  (1)

9. Which of the following statements is true of the king according to the passage?
(A) He often did useless thing like placing stone on the road to irritate his people.
(B) He tried his best to teach his people to be industrious.
(C) He was responsible for placing the box of gold beneath the stone.

(1) Only (A)
(2) Only (C)
(3) Only (B) and (C)
(4) Only (B)
(5) Only (A) and (C)

Ans.  (3)

10. Why did the miller's daughter decide to move the stone?
(1) She wanted the gold that lay beneath the stone.
(2) She was afraid that someone would get hurt.
(3) She knew that the king was watching her from behind the bush.
(4) The girl loved challenges and wanted to show her strength to the king.
(5) She wanted to escape work at the mill.

Ans.  (2)

Directions (11-13): Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
(1)  Completed
(2) Filled
(3) Secured
(4) Adjusted
(5) Frequently

Ans. (2)

(1) Sometimes    
(2) Hardly
(3) Rarely 
(4) Deliberately
(5) Frequently

Ans. (5)

(1) Climbed   
(2) Took
(3) Tapped
(4) Moved
(5) Called

Ans.  (1)

Directions (14-15): Choose the world which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the world printed in bold as used in the passage.
(1) Negligence
(2) Carefulness
(3) Worthiness  
(4) Harshness
(5) Laziness

Ans.  (2)

15. HARD
(1) Difficult
(2) Light
(3) Easy              
(4) Complicated
(5) Soft

Ans.  (3)

Directions (16-20): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) ie, ‘No error' (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
16. During the reign of /(1) the emperor of Vijayanagar,/ (2) there lived a/(3) wise magistrate named Haripant./(4) No error (5)

Ans.  (5)

17. My parents came /(1) to town with/(2) the intention in visting /(3) the University. (4) No error (5)

Ans.  (3)

18. Suman took a hundred coins /(1) from the man and /(2) gave him a few medicine /(3) to make him feel better./(4) No error (5)

Ans.  (1)

19. The children were/(1) even more angrier /(2) with the shopkeeper/ (3) for having tricked  them the second time. /(4) No error (5)

Ans. (2)

20. Since it was evening by the time/ (1) the farmer reached the next village,/(2) he took shelter in the house / (3) of a old couple. /(4) No error (5)

Ans.  (4)

Directions (21-25): In each of the following sentences, an idiomatic expression or a proverb is highlighted. Select the alternative which best describes its use in the sentence.
21. The Police will leave no stone unturned to discover the murderer.
(1) turn every stone
(2) investigate thoroughly
(3) make no commitment
(4) invest a large sum
(5) make no excuse

Ans. (2)

22. The police tried to make her admit that she had made a mistake, but the girl stood her ground and said that she had seen the burglar.
(1) did not move
(2) was being stubborn
(3) stood firm on the ground
(4) promised to be true
(5) refused to change her statement
Ans. (5)

23. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
(1) indulge
(2) force
(3) disclose
(4) postpone
(5) place
Ans.  (4)

24. The concert was brought to a close with a display of fireworks.
(1) concluded
(2) interrupted
(3) announced
(4) brought to a halt
(5) cancelled
Ans. (1)

25. Step by step the veterinarian taught the little puppy to obey her.
(1) Hastily
(2) Reluctantly
(3)Slowly and methodically
(4) With great hesitation
(5) Dutifully
Ans.  (3)

Directions (26-30): Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete in the context of the sentence.

26. In the field, a farmer was using two horses to pull his plough, a ___ I had not seen since my childhood.
(1) Sight    
(2) look
(3) Business
(4) appearance
(5) Work

Ans.  (1)

27. I must start ___ dawn to reach the station on time.
(1) during           
(2) doing
(3) in
(4) to
(5) before
Ans. (5)

28. During the last few years the company has been___hard to modernise its image.
(1) working        
(2) doing
(3) try                         
(4) work
(5) undertaking
Ans. (1)

29. No sooner had he returned ___  he was off again.
(1) and                
(b) but
(3) that
(4) yet
(5) than
Ans. (5)

30. As it was getting late, I was ___ troubled focusing on the birds in the disappearing light.
(1) feeling           
(2) having
(3) experience              
(4) being
(5) seeing
Ans. (2)

Directions (31-35): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (1), (2),(3) and (4). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (5) ie, ‘All Correct' as your answer.

31. The soldiers (1) were brought (2) in to restore law and ordre (3) after the riots. (4) All Correct (5)

Ans. (3)

32. Under (1) my teacher's guidance (2) I slowly mastored (3) the art of pottery. (4) All Correct (5)
Ans. (3)

33. The building (1) is regularly inspected (2) by the fire (3) safety officer (4) All Correct (5)
Ans.  (5)

34. The Company (1) received severel (2) complaints (3) from irate (4) customers. All Correct (5)
Ans. (2)

35. Anxeity (1) can interfere (2) with children's performance (3) at school. (4) All Correct (5)
Ans. (1)

Direction (36-40): Rearrange the following six sentences/group of sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph: then answer the questions given below them.
  • (A) All looked alike and were dressed in kingly robes. Who was the real king? Wondered Birbal.
  • (B) The king of Iran had heard that Birbal was one of the wisest men in the East and desirous of meeting him, sent him an invitation to visit his country.
  • (C) Birbal explained saying, ‘The false king were all looking at you, while you yourself looked straight ahead. Even in regal robes, the common people will always look to their king for support.' Overjoyed, the king embraced him and showered him with gifts.
  • (D) ‘But how did you identify me?' the king asked puzzled.
  • (E) The very next moment he got his answer. Confidently, he approached the king and bowed in front of him.

36. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?
(1) D
(2) C
(3) B
(4) A
(5) F

Ans.  (2)

37. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
(1) C              
(2) D
(3) F              
(4) B
(5) E
Ans. (2)

38. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?
(1) B              
(2) C
(3) F              
(4) A
(5) E
Ans. (4)

39. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?
(1) A              
(2) D
(3) F              
(4) C
(5) E

Ans. (3)

40. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?
(1) D              
(2) C
(3) F              
(4) B
(5) E

Ans.  (4)

Directions (41-50): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

In the olden days people bitten by mad dogs died a sure and horrible death (191) to rabies. In 1867, Louis Pasteur, one of the well renowned scientists and the man who gave the world the ‘germ theory of disease' developed a vaccination to (192) rabies. He did not know if it would work, so he decided to (193) himself with rabies and then try out the (194) on himself. But before he could do that, a tearful woman brought her 9- year -old son to him. The boy had been (195) and bitten by a mad dog two days earlier. Pasteur (196) physicians known to him. They told him nothing could be done for the boy. Then Pasteur, with the (197) of the boy's mother, decided to try out the vaccination he had developed. He began to give the boy, injections of a certain, liquid (198) from the fragments of the brain of a mad dog. Each day Pasteur looked fearfully for signs of the onset of the dreaded disease. But the boy (199) healthy. A month passed by, then another and finally, Pasteur knew that his vaccination had worked. The physicians who had predicted the boy's death were (200). Rabies had been vanquished for the first time in history! In 1888 the Pasteur Institute was established to treat cases of rabies and today it is one the world's most famous centres of biological research.
(1) inspire 
(2) owning
(3) due                
(4) cause
(5) such

Ans.  (3)

(1) startle                     
(2) Block
(3) due                         
(4) prevent
(5) Treatment
Ans. (4)

(1) indulge          
(2) infect
(3) try                 
(4) put
(5) secure
Ans.  (2)

(1) decision         
(2) plan
(3) outcome        
(4) possible
(5) treatment

Ans.  (5)

(1) teased            
(2) tested
(3) chase
(4) inquired
(5) consulted
Ans.  (4)

(1) connection
(2) admitted
(3) chase
(4) inquired
(5) consulted
Ans.  (5)

(1) commitment
(2) consent
(3) behavior
(4) knowledge
(5) approve

Ans.  (2)

(1) finalised
(2) funneled
(3) obtained
(4) took
(5) resulting
Ans. (3)

(1) took
(2) appearance
(3) just
(4) stay
(5) remained

Ans. (5)

(1) amazed          
(2) sued
(3) dejected
(4) rejected
(5) celebrated

Ans. (1)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Corporation Bank Clerk Exam., 2011

English Language 
(Exam Held on 12-6-2011) 

Directions– (Q. 1–10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

In a village by the Ganges, there once lived a Brahmin. He was a religious and God-fearing man. He earned his living by performing prayers in other people's home. One day the Brahmin was called to the neighbouring village to perform some ceremony. In return for his services, he received a goat as a present.

The Brahmin was very pleased and he set off for home with a goat on his shoulders, he thought to himself, "this was a generous family, to have given me a goat. My wife and children will be very pleased. As he walked down the path to his village he did not notice that he was being followed by three thieves. "We have to get that plump goat" said the first thief. It will make a great dinner for us," said the second thief. "We need to think of a plan fast," said the third. The three thieves then decided to fool the Brahmin.

The first thief approached the Brahmin saying "Dear Brahmin, you are a holy man, Why are you carrying a dirty dog on your shoulders ?" "A dirty dog," can't you see that it is a poor little goat. Are you blind ?" said the Brahmin angrily. The first thief laughed and walked away.

The Brahmin looked at the goat, indeed it was a goat, and so he resumed his journey homeward. A little further down the path, the Brahmin came across the second thief. The second thief said in astonishment, "You are a holy man, why are you carrying a dead calf on your shoulders”? The Brahmin was furious, "This is a live goat and not a dead calf."

The Brahmin had barely walked some distance when the third thief came running waving his arm towards the Brahmin "Drop that donkey at once, If people see you carrying a donkey on your shoulders, what will they think of you ?" By now the Brahmin was very confused. Three different people had told him that he was carrying an animal other than a goat. Something must be wrong he thought. "This is not a goat; this must be some monster that keeps changing its form." The terrified Brahmin threw the goat and ran home as fast as he could.

The three thieves had a great laugh. They had succeeded in their plan. They picked up the goat and left. How foolish the Brahmin had been to have believed them.

1. Why did the Brahmin let go off the goat ?
(A) He believed the first thief
(B) He believed the second thief
(C) He believed the third thief
(D) He thought the goat was a monster
(E) He did not want the goat
Ans : (D)

2. How did the Brahmin get the goat ?
(A) He bought it from the market
(B) He stole it from the three thieves
(C) It was given to him as a present
(D) He found the lost goat while on his way home
(E) He took it on loan
Ans : (C)

3. The thieves were following the Brahmin because-
(A) he was carrying a nice plump goat
(B) they wanted his blessings
(C) they did not know the way to the village
(D) he was a rich man
(E) he was unknown to them
Ans : (A)

4. How did the Brahmin earn his living ?
(A) By selling goats
(B) By performing prayer's
(C) By making sacrifices
(D) By donations
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

5. The various forms taken by the goat were-
(A) Form of a dirty dog
(B) Form of a dead calf
(C) Form of a donkey
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)
(E) Only (A) and (B)
Ans : (D)

6. Why was the Brahmin confused ?
(A) He noticed three different people following him to his village
(B) His wife was upset to see him with the plump goat
(C) He was surprised that the goat could take so many different forms
(D) Three different people told him he was carrying an animal other than a goat
(E) He lost his way to the village after performing the ceremony
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 7 and 8) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

7. Resumed
(A) Started
(B) Commenced
(C) Continued
(D) Changed
(E) Directed
Ans : (C)

8. Generous
(A) Kind
(B) Rich
(C) Selfish
(D) Liberal
(E) Fortunate
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q.9 and 10) Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

9. Plump
(A) Hungry
(B) Thin
(C) Stout
(D) Pampered
(E) Innocent
Ans : (C)

10. Terrified
(A) Baffled
(B) Alarmed
(C) Confused
(D) Scared
(E) Fearless
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 11–15) Read each sentence to find out whether 1here is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) i.e., 'No Error'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

11. The bus waiting (A) / for all the passengers (B) / to enter (C) / before it took off. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (A)

12. Daily prayer and meditation (A) / is the keys (B) / to a peaceful (C) / and happy life. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (B)

13. The fruit vendor (A) / would rather (B) / let the fruit get spoiling than (C) / sell them for a lesser price. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (C)

14. The police making (A) / everyone leave (B) / the building premises (C) / immediately. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (A)

15. Mother and I (A) / generally go to the store (B) / and pick up food items (C) / for the charitable. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 16–20) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

16. You will have to undergo a ………………….of tests before the interview.
(A) large
(B) series
(C) design
(D) booklet
(E) delegation
Ans : (B)

17. If you………………….fast, we will reach on time.
(A) journey
(B) travel
(C) walk
(D) talk
(E) react
Ans : (C)

18. The boy was curious to know what was ………………….the parcel.
(A) into
(B) with
(C) in
(D) beyond
(E) within
Ans : (C)

19. For every school going child, studying is a………………….
(A) skill
(B) success
(C) achievement
(D) luxury
(E) priority
Ans : (E)

20. The Board members could not arrive at a ………………….regarding the employee.
(A) judgement
(B) progress
(C) policy
(D) consensus
(E) action
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 21–25) In each question below four words which are lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D) have been printed, of which, one word may be wrongly spelt. The letter of that word is the answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt, mark (E) i.e. "All Correct" as the answer.

21. (A) Dimention
(B) Enlighten
(C) Canvass
(D) Unfortunate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (A)

22. (A) Raging
(B) Extensive
(C) Priviledge
(D) Exorbitant
(E) All Correct
Ans : (C)

23. (A) Respectable
(B) Excessive
(C) Lament
(D) Manupilate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (D)

24. (A) Presentable
(B) Commodity
(C) Exept
(D) Rebate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (C)

25. (A) Continuos
(B) Mourn
(C) Leisure
(D) Rampant
(E) All Correct
Ans : (A)

Directions–(Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow hard upon the traveller.
(b) The Sun and the Wind were disputing who was stronger amongst them.
(c) But the harder he blew the more closely the traveller wrapped his coat around him.
(d) Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his coat on.
(e) Suddenly they saw a traveller walking down the road, and the Sun said, "I see a way to settle our dispute"
(f) Whichever of us can cause the traveller below to take off his coat shall be regarded as the stronger one.

26. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (f)
(B) (e)
(C) (d)
(D) (c)
(E) (b)
Ans : (C)

27. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (d)
(B) (b)
(C) (e)
(D) (c)
(E) (a)
Ans : (E)

28. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (c)
(C) (a)
(D) (e)
(E) (f)
Ans : (B)

29. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (e)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (a)
Ans : (A)

30. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (a)
(C) (f)
(D) (e)
(E) (c)
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 31–40) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Once upon a time, there lived a pair of geese and a tortoise and the three were the best of friends. One day they were faced by a huge drought and the lake in which they lived was ...(31)... up. They ...(32)... to leave the lake and look for new lake, but the tortoise could not ...(33)... So, the geese thought of a ...(34)..., whereby, the tortoise would have to hold a piece of stick by its mouth which would be ...(35)... by the two geese. The only condition was that the tortoise should not. speak or it would ...(36) ...from the stick to his death.
The tortoise agreed to be ...(37) ….

But on seeing this strange ...(38)..., people on the way started laughing at the tortoise. Unable to control his ...(39)..., he spoke aloud "What are they ...(40)... about ?" and so he fell to his death.

31. (A) rising
(B) vaporising
(C) soaring
(D) soaking
(E) drying
Ans : (E)

32. (A) advised
(B) confided
(C) decided
(D) thought
(E) suggested
Ans : (C)

33. (A) understand
(B) swim
(C) fly
(D) talk
(E) think
Ans : (C)

34. (A) magic
(B) plan
(C) game
(D) plot
(E) trick
Ans : (E)

35. (A) agreed
(B) manufactured
(C) designed
(D) carried
(E) produced
Ans : (D)

36. (A) balance
(B) choke
(C) fall
(D) slipped
(E) hang
Ans : (C)

37. (A) disciplined
(B) rescued
(C) flew
(D) good
(E) silent
Ans : (B)

38. (A) bargain
(B) arrangement
(C) friendship
(D) matrix
(E) object
Ans : (B)

39. (A) excitement
(B) grip
(C) curiosity
(D) destiny
(E) devotion
Ans : (C)

40. (A) looking
(B) talking
(C) thinking
(D) pointing
(E) laughing
Ans : (E)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Directions (1- 9): Read the following passagecarefully and answer the questions given below it. Some words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Kannappan was a tribal chief who lived in the hilly region. He was a cruel man who rejoiced in killing cows, and he believed that the tribals were protected by an invisible force and it was necessary to sacrifice a cow every day to please the force. So he stole cows from the houses of people living in the areas near his house and killed them and those who tried to stop him were also brutally killed.
Kannappan was a widower and lived with his only daughter, Thevi, whom he loved very much. Thevi disliked the brutality of her father, but never dared to tell him about it. Instead she always prayed that her father would become a good man.
Once Kannapan stole a cow and a calf. The cow was sacrificed and the calf was kept in the cow shed. Thevi took an instant liking for it and brought it up as her pet. The calf grew up into a full-grown cow. One day kannappan could not find any cow for the sacrifice and decided to take Thevi's beloved cow. Before Thevi woke up in the morning he took the cow to the wild bushes and menacingly approached it with his knife. The frightened cow broke away and ran deep into the forest with Kannappan in hot pursuit.
Thevi woke up hearing the commotion. She ran outside the house sobbing bitterly and called out for the cow.
On hearing her voice, it ran back to her and lay at her feet. Kannapan ran upto her and asked her to give up the cow. She gathered all her courage and said, 'What good fortune will come to us if you kill this innocent cow? If you love me, you should spare its life. If you still insist on killing it, kill me first'. Seeing the tearful face of his daughter, he threw away his knife. something touched kannappan deep in his heart and this was a turning point in his life, after which he never killed a cow or any other animal.
Years passed and one night Thevi died of high fever, Kannapan found happiness in looking after the cow. A year after Thevi's death kannappan saw a dream in which a holy man stood near the cow and the entire place was lit by a divine light. The next day when he went to the cow shed he was surprised to see that the cow had turned into a stone. Kannappan started worshipping the stone and also built a shrine around it in the memory of Thevi. Kannappan soon became a saint and people gathered around him to seek his blessings. He also built some other shrines around the main one. In course if time, Kannapan died and other tribals also left the place to live elsewhere. Once again the region was deserted and a thick forest grew up obscuring the shrines.

1. How did the cow come back from deep forest?
1) Kannapan forced the cow to reach the cow shed.
2) The cow got attracted toward Thevi's voice.
3) The invisible force blessed the cow to turn to stone.
4) The commotion confused the cow and she retreated.
5) None of these.

2. How did Kannapan arrange these cows?
1) He used to hunt them in forest.
2) He had his own farm where these were kept in the cow shed..
3) He used to steal from houses located far away from his house.
4) His daughter Thevi helped him in arranging calves.
5) None of these.

3. Which incident turned the entire life pattern of the tribal chief?
1) Leaving of the tribals to settle elsewhere.
2) Death of his wife.
3) Killing of the calf.
4) Death of his beloved daughter Thevi.
5) None of these

4. Which activity pleased Kannapan the most?
1) Loving his only daughter.
2) Giving hot pursuit to wild animals.
3) Acting as chief foe the tribals.
4) Sacrificing cows to please an invisible force.
5) None of these.

5. What was the desire of Thevi?
1) Her father may leave brutality and become a good man.
2) Kannappan should make a shrine in the cow shed.
3) In place of watching cow slaughter, she wanted to die.
4) The tribals living there should leave the place
5) None of these.

6. How did the cow turn into a stone?
1) The force cursed it to become so.
2) Someone made the cow so.
3) The holy-man turned the cow into stone.
4) It was a trick played by Kannappan in order to steal real cow.
5) Not clearly mentioned in the passage.

7. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?
1) The incidence of Thevi's protection of cow kept Kannappan unchanged.
2) The cow turned into stone owing to the curse of Thevi
3) Kannappan used to kill cow in order to please an imaginary force.
4) Thevi was killed in an accident
5) Thevi saw a holy-man standing near the cow.

8. Kannappan decided to sacrifice Thevi's cow because
1) It was the holy of the holiest cow.
2) It was reared from the stage of calf.
3) He wanted Thevi not to get too much attracted to it.
4) He could not arrange any cow that day.
5) None of these.

9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage?
1) The tribal chief lived in the hilly region.
2) Kannappan's cow shed turned into a shrine.
3) Kannappan always hoped for a good fortune in killing a cow.
4) The wife of kannappan died of high fever and he become a widower.
5) Kannappan saw a dream after the death of Thevi.

Directions(10-12): Which of the following words is the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
10. Brutally
1) Sympathetically
2) Likely
3) Mercilessly
4) Indefinitely
5) Threateningly

11. Menacingly
1) Crazily
2) Bravely
3) Cowardly
4) Sweetly
5) Boldly

12. Rejoiced
1) Detested
2) Loved
3) Enjoyed
4) Earned
5) Stopped

Directions (13-15): Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
13. Commotion
1) Competition
2) Hesitation
3) Repetition
4) Tranquillity
5) Nuisance

14. Instant
1) Immediate
2) Delayed
3) Sacred
4) Wholesome
5) Prudent

15. Pursuit
1) Chase
2) Follow
3) Lead
4) Search
5) Neglect

Directions(16-25): In each of the following sentences there is a blank space. Below each sentence there are five words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). Choose the word that suits the best in each blank.
16. The _________ details of the murder made me show interest in that serial.
1) bizarre
2) garish
3) ridiculous
4) lurid
5) fickle

17. Several people _________ from voting in the last Parliamentary elections.
1) abstained
2) abandoned
3) declines
4) refused
5) made

18. The police have tightened the security at _________ places.
1) vulnerable
2) austere
3) extraordinary
4) difficult
5) terrible

19. This drug seems _________ but I am sure that it will prove poisonous.
1) innocuous
2) inadvertent
3) insane
4) inflammable
5) inanimate

20. Buddha _________ his throne and went to the forest in search of God
1) renunciated
2) gained
3) profited
4) let
5) assumed.

21. He _________ us with an account of his school days.
1) narrated
2) described
3) remarked
4) regaled
5) mocked

22. He is a _________ speaker. So nobody liked his speech.
1) benevolent
2) affirmative
3) effective
4) efficient
 5) prolix

23. He is not able to walk because his leg was _________ in the first World War.
1) risked
2) destroyed
3) maimed
4) cut
5) dashed.

24. The library expects you to return each and every book that you have _________ .
1) handed
2) right
3) gave
4) lent
5) taken

25. Please don't _________ money to an unknown person. You may lose it permanently.
1) lend
2) write
3) borrow
4) rated
5) counted

Direction(26-30): Rearrange the following sentence (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the questions given below them.
A) The ruler of Mysore was a puppet.
B) It was under their protection that Hyder rose to power.
C) The real power rested with the two brothers Nanjaraja and Devraj, who were his Ministers.
D) As a result he was given an independent command of 50 houses and 200 foot.
E) In 1749, he had distinguished himself in the siege of Devanhalli.
F) This was his position -- the position of a minor commander in 1750---- When Tipu was born.

26. Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

27. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after arrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

28. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after arrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

29. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after arrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

30. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after arrangement?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) E

Directions(31-40): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested. One of them fills the
blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The Maharashtra government has decided to (31) Special squads outside colleges, railway stations and
other places (32) the city to keep a (33) on the (34) of eve-teasing and other forms of sexual
harassment. The move comes in the wake of the recent murder of the 2 youths in the suburbs by a group of men after the (35) protested against the (36) comments some men passed at their women friends. 'Those found (37) will be dealt with and inquiry letters of the action taken against them would be sent over to
their home 'Sate' Patil, Home Minister, told The Hindu over telephone on Monday. The helpline number 103 already (38) for women in Maharashtra, where they can call and (39) complaints. In (40) the Govt. is planning to start a short messaging service.

31. 1) Employ
2) Deploy
3) Recruit
4) form
5) raise

32. 1) with
2) within
3) throughout
4) entire
5) whole

33. 1) drive
2) check
3) look
4) glance
5) gaze

34. 1) menace
2) problem
3) difficulty
4) danger
5) issue

35. 1) bi
2) duo
3) bilateral
4) trilateral
5) three

36. 1) favourable.
2) beneficial
3) lewd
4) destructive
5) low

37. 1) innocent
2) honest
3) treacherous
4) guilty
5) honourary

38. 1) be
2) are
3) exists
4) abode
5) remain

39. 1) make
2) supervise
3) address
4) lodge
5) manage

40. 1) advance
2) besides
3) addition
4) and
5) as well as

Directions(41-50): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in
it. The error if any will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of the part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5, i.e.,'No Error'. (Ignore the error of punctuation, if any)

41. Raju (1)/ is (2)/accustomed with (3)/ drinking (4)/ None of these.(5)

42. My brother (1)/ and sister (2)/ congratulated me for (3)/ my getting state First rank in the S.S.C exam (4)/None of these.(5)

43. I always (1)/ prefer staying (2)/at home that working (3)/ in a school (4)/ None of these.(5)

44. Scarcely (1) / we had come out of (2)/ the bus stand (3)/when it began to rain (4)/ None of these(5)

45. When I (1)/ saw him (2)/ he was been played (3)/ for hours (4)/ None of these.(5)

46. As (1)/ he had five (2)/ years experience (3)/ he was promotion (4)/ None of these.(5)

47. I cannot (1)/ understand (2)/why she did not agree to (3)/my proposal of marriage (4)/None of these.(5)

48. If (1) / you will help (2)/ me I shall (3)/ be grateful to you (4)/ None of these.(5)

49. Even though the (1)/ students had been (2)/ making a lot of noise the teacher (3)/did not rebuked them (4)/None of these.(5)

50. Rajesh (1)/ is having  beautiful (2)/cars but he would not (3)/ show them to anyone (4)/ None of these.(5)


1)2 2)5 3)5 4)4 5)1 6)5 7)3 8)4 9)4 10)3 11)1 12)3  13)4 14)2 15)5 16)4 17)1 18)1 19)1 20)1 21)4 22)5 23)3 24)5 25)1 26)5 27)2 28)4  29)3 30)1 31)2 32)3 33)2 34)1 35)2 36)3 37)4 38)3 39)4 40)3 41)3 42)3 43)3 44)2 45)3 46)4 47)3 48)2 49)4 50)2

Friday, December 2, 2011

Corporation Bank Clerk Exam., 2011

English Language 
(Held on 12-6-2011) 

Directions– (Q. 1–10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

In a village by the Ganges, there once lived a Brahmin. He was a religious and God-fearing man. He earned his living by performing prayers in other people's home. One day the Brahmin was called to the neighbouring village to perform some ceremony. In return for his services, he received a goat as a present.

The Brahmin was very pleased and he set off for home with a goat on his shoulders, he thought to himself, "this was a generous family, to have given me a goat. My wife and children will be very pleased. As he walked down the path to his village he did not notice that he was being followed by three thieves. "We have to get that plump goat" said the first thief. It will make a great dinner for us," said the second thief. "We need to think of a plan fast," said the third. The three thieves then decided to fool the Brahmin.

The first thief approached the Brahmin saying "Dear Brahmin, you are a holy man, Why are you carrying a dirty dog on your shoulders ?" "A dirty dog," can't you see that it is a poor little goat. Are you blind ?" said the Brahmin angrily. The first thief laughed and walked away.

The Brahmin looked at the goat, indeed it was a goat, and so he resumed his journey homeward. A little further down the path, the Brahmin came across the second thief. The second thief said in astonishment, "You are a holy man, why are you carrying a dead calf on your shoulders”? The Brahmin was furious, "This is a live goat and not a dead calf."

The Brahmin had barely walked some distance when the third thief came running waving his arm towards the Brahmin "Drop that donkey at once, If people see you carrying a donkey on your shoulders, what will they think of you ?" By now the Brahmin was very confused. Three different people had told him that he was carrying an animal other than a goat. Something must be wrong he thought. "This is not a goat; this must be some monster that keeps changing its form." The terrified Brahmin threw the goat and ran home as fast as he could.

The three thieves had a great laugh. They had succeeded in their plan. They picked up the goat and left. How foolish the Brahmin had been to have believed them.

1. Why did the Brahmin let go off the goat ?
(A) He believed the first thief
(B) He believed the second thief
(C) He believed the third thief
(D) He thought the goat was a monster
(E) He did not want the goat
Ans : (D)

2. How did the Brahmin get the goat ?
(A) He bought it from the market
(B) He stole it from the three thieves
(C) It was given to him as a present
(D) He found the lost goat while on his way home
(E) He took it on loan
Ans : (C)

3. The thieves were following the Brahmin because-
(A) he was carrying a nice plump goat
(B) they wanted his blessings
(C) they did not know the way to the village
(D) he was a rich man
(E) he was unknown to them
Ans : (A)

4. How did the Brahmin earn his living ?
(A) By selling goats
(B) By performing prayer's
(C) By making sacrifices
(D) By donations
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

5. The various forms taken by the goat were-
(A) Form of a dirty dog
(B) Form of a dead calf
(C) Form of a donkey
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)
(E) Only (A) and (B)
Ans : (D)

6. Why was the Brahmin confused ?
(A) He noticed three different people following him to his village
(B) His wife was upset to see him with the plump goat
(C) He was surprised that the goat could take so many different forms
(D) Three different people told him he was carrying an animal other than a goat
(E) He lost his way to the village after performing the ceremony
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 7 and 8) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

7. Resumed
(A) Started
(B) Commenced
(C) Continued
(D) Changed
(E) Directed
Ans : (C)

8. Generous
(A) Kind
(B) Rich
(C) Selfish
(D) Liberal
(E) Fortunate
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q.9 and 10) Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

9. Plump
(A) Hungry
(B) Thin
(C) Stout
(D) Pampered
(E) Innocent
Ans : (C)

10. Terrified
(A) Baffled
(B) Alarmed
(C) Confused
(D) Scared
(E) Fearless
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 11–15) Read each sentence to find out whether 1here is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) i.e., 'No Error'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

11. The bus waiting (A) / for all the passengers (B) / to enter (C) / before it took off. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (A)

12. Daily prayer and meditation (A) / is the keys (B) / to a peaceful (C) / and happy life. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (B)

13. The fruit vendor (A) / would rather (B) / let the fruit get spoiling than (C) / sell them for a lesser price. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (C)

14. The police making (A) / everyone leave (B) / the building premises (C) / immediately. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (A)

15. Mother and I (A) / generally go to the store (B) / and pick up food items (C) / for the charitable. (D) No Error (E)
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 16–20) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

16. You will have to undergo a ………………….of tests before the interview.
(A) large
(B) series
(C) design
(D) booklet
(E) delegation
Ans : (B)

17. If you………………….fast, we will reach on time.
(A) journey
(B) travel
(C) walk
(D) talk
(E) react
Ans : (C)

18. The boy was curious to know what was ………………….the parcel.
(A) into
(B) with
(C) in
(D) beyond
(E) within
Ans : (C)

19. For every school going child, studying is a………………….
(A) skill
(B) success
(C) achievement
(D) luxury
(E) priority
Ans : (E)

20. The Board members could not arrive at a ………………….regarding the employee.
(A) judgement
(B) progress
(C) policy
(D) consensus
(E) action
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 21–25) In each question below four words which are lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D) have been printed, of which, one word may be wrongly spelt. The letter of that word is the answer. If all the four words are correctly spelt, mark (E) i.e. "All Correct" as the answer.

21. (A) Dimention
(B) Enlighten
(C) Canvass
(D) Unfortunate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (A)

22. (A) Raging
(B) Extensive
(C) Priviledge
(D) Exorbitant
(E) All Correct
Ans : (C)

23. (A) Respectable
(B) Excessive
(C) Lament
(D) Manupilate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (D)

24. (A) Presentable
(B) Commodity
(C) Exept
(D) Rebate
(E) All Correct
Ans : (C)

25. (A) Continuos
(B) Mourn
(C) Leisure
(D) Rampant
(E) All Correct
Ans : (A)

Directions–(Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow hard upon the traveller.
(b) The Sun and the Wind were disputing who was stronger amongst them.
(c) But the harder he blew the more closely the traveller wrapped his coat around him.
(d) Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his coat on.
(e) Suddenly they saw a traveller walking down the road, and the Sun said, "I see a way to settle our dispute"
(f) Whichever of us can cause the traveller below to take off his coat shall be regarded as the stronger one.

26. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (f)
(B) (e)
(C) (d)
(D) (c)
(E) (b)
Ans : (C)

27. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (d)
(B) (b)
(C) (e)
(D) (c)
(E) (a)
Ans : (E)

28. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (c)
(C) (a)
(D) (e)
(E) (f)
Ans : (B)

29. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (e)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (a)
Ans : (A)

30. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) (b)
(B) (a)
(C) (f)
(D) (e)
(E) (c)
Ans : (D)

Directions–(Q. 31–40) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Once upon a time, there lived a pair of geese and a tortoise and the three were the best of friends. One day they were faced by a huge drought and the lake in which they lived was ...(31)... up. They ...(32)... to leave the lake and look for new lake, but the tortoise could not ...(33)... So, the geese thought of a ...(34)..., whereby, the tortoise would have to hold a piece of stick by its mouth which would be ...(35)... by the two geese. The only condition was that the tortoise should not. speak or it would ...(36) ...from the stick to his death.
The tortoise agreed to be ...(37) ….

But on seeing this strange ...(38)..., people on the way started laughing at the tortoise. Unable to control his ...(39)..., he spoke aloud "What are they ...(40)... about ?" and so he fell to his death.

31. (A) rising
(B) vaporising
(C) soaring
(D) soaking
(E) drying
Ans : (E)

32. (A) advised
(B) confided
(C) decided
(D) thought
(E) suggested
Ans : (C)

33. (A) understand
(B) swim
(C) fly
(D) talk
(E) think
Ans : (C)

34. (A) magic
(B) plan
(C) game
(D) plot
(E) trick
Ans : (E)

35. (A) agreed
(B) manufactured
(C) designed
(D) carried
(E) produced
Ans : (D)

36. (A) balance
(B) choke
(C) fall
(D) slipped
(E) hang
Ans : (C)

37. (A) disciplined
(B) rescued
(C) flew
(D) good
(E) silent
Ans : (B)

38. (A) bargain
(B) arrangement
(C) friendship
(D) matrix
(E) object
Ans : (B)

39. (A) excitement
(B) grip
(C) curiosity
(D) destiny
(E) devotion
Ans : (C)

40. (A) looking
(B) talking
(C) thinking
(D) pointing
(E) laughing
Ans : (E)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Directions (Q. 1-5): In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as 1), 2), 3) and 4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark 5) i.e. 'All correct' as your answer.

1.Under the existing (1) regula-tions we are not permitted (2) to owe (3) more than forty percent share (4) of the family business. All correct (5)

2.In case of any land dispute (1) panchayat officials (2) will determine (3) how the prop-erty is to be dividend (4) All correct (5)

3. The World Bank has consented (1) to sanction (2) the necess-ary (3) finance (4) for the project.

4.To obtain (1) a refund you will have to fill (2) a claim (3) with the appropriate (4) authority. All correct (5)

5.Experts predict (1) there will be sortage (2) of investment (3) in the infrastructure (4) sector All correct (5)

Directions (Q. 6-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of this planet. This 6 and the attendant superio-rity feeling has made him look down 7 other creatures who co-exist with humans on this earth. The so-called civilized human race has 8 and ill-treated small and large animal species and birds in an attempt to prove his 9. It is common knowledge that 10 numbers of animals have been 11 for centuries under the 12 of conducting scienti-fic experiment or for sport. Till recently, in the 13 of scientific experiment monkeys and frogs have been 14 to dissection and 15 in the laboratory.

6.1) pleasure
2) fact
3) achievement
4) force
5) arrogance

7.1) in
2) upon
3) with
4) for
5) into

8.1) criticized
2) devalued
3) protected
4) abused
5) enlarged

9.1) supremacy
2) wisdom
3) cleverness
4) instinct
5) possession

10.1) tall
2) plenty
3) countless
4) diverse
5) numerous

11.1) tortured
2) exposed
3) treated
4) vanished
5) extinct

12.1) projection
2) criticism
3) pretext
4) game
5) study

13.1) matter
2) set
3) scheme
4) virtue
5) name

14.1) confined
2) subjected
3) condemned
4) allied
5) performed

15.1) cruelty
2) deformation
3) study
4) vivisection
5) proliferation

Directions (Q. 16-30): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Nature is an infinite source of beauty. Sun-rise and sun-set, mountains and rivers, lakes and glaciers, forests and fields provide joy and bliss to the human mind and heart for hours together. Everything in nature is splendid and divine. Every day and every season of the year has a peculiar beauty to unfold. Only one should have eyes to behold it and a heart to feel it like the English poet Wordsworth who after seeing daffodils said - "And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils."
Nature is a great teacher. The early man was thrilled with beauty and wonders of nature. The Aryans worshiped nature. One can learn the lessons in the vast school of nature.

Unfortunately the strife, the stress and the tension of modern life have made people immune to beauties of nature. Their life is so full of care that they have no time stand and stare. They cannot enjoy the beauty of flowing rivers, swinging trees, flying birds and majestic mountains and hills. There is, however, a cry to go back to village from the concrete and artificial jungle of cities. Hence the town planners of today pay special attenti-on to provide enough number of natural scenic spots in town plann-ing. To develop a balanced person-ality, one needs to have a healthy atti-tude which can make us appreciate and enjoy the beauty of nature.

There is no other balm to soothe our tired soul and listless mind than the infinite nature all around us. We should enjoy it fully to lead a balanced and harmonious life, full of peace and tranquility.

16.Which of the following words has the SAME in meaning to the word 'care' as used in the passage?
1) Grief
2) Want
3) Needs
4) Pleasure
5) Prejudices

17.Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the world 'unfold' as used in the passage?
1) Declare
2) Conceal
3) Describe
4) Perpetuate
5) Evolve

18.Which of the following statements is NOT MADE in the passage about nature?1) Nature is an infinite source of beauty
2) Everything in nature is splendid and divine
3) Nature is a great teacher
4) The Aryans worshipped nature
5) The early man was scared of nature

19.What is needed to develop a balanced personality?
1) Impersonal skills
2) Reading poetry
3) Healthy attitude
4) Going back to villages
5) None of these

20.Why do people not enjoy the beauty of nature?
1) They are running after material pleasures
2) They do not consider nature as balm to soothe their tired minds
3) Their life is full of worries and tensions
4) They are afraid of nature
5) None of these

21.What should we do to enjoy tranquil life?
1) Get totally immersed in daily routine
2) Believe that nature has infinite source of beauty
3) Lead a disciplined and educated life
4) Enjoy the nature around
5) Form a habit of daily physical exercise

22.What are the town planners doing today?
1)Providing facilities for enjoying exercise
2)Establishing balance betw-een the nature and concrete and artificial jungle of cities
3)Supporting the cry to go back to villages
4)Making efforts to inculcate healthy attitude among people
5) None of these

23.Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word 'listless' as used in the passage.
1) Active
2) Progressive
3) Backward
4) Hidden
5) Impure

24.Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the meaning to the word 'soothe' as used in the passage.
1) Stabilize
2) Excite
3) Propagate
4) Nurture
5) Strengthen

25.According to the author of the passage, nature
1) is the ultimate salvation for man
2) is the creator of this universe
3) brings uniformity in seasons
4) maintains homeostasis among human beings
5) is abundantly glorious and divine

26.According to the passage, each season of the year
1) makes rivers flow
2)unfolds the magnificence of mountains
3)is different from other seasons
4)tells us that we should live in peace and tranquility
5)teaches us to go back to villages

27.Why did the Aryans worship nature?
1) Aryans were intelligent and sagacious people
2) Aryans believed in the power of elements
3) They knew that the nature will induce balanced and harmonious personality
4) They wanted their life to be simple and free from tensions 5) None of these

28.What is the meaning of the expression 'stand and stare' as used in the passage?
1)Stop and think
2) Wait and watch
3) Plan and organize
4) Relax and observe
5) Imagine and wonder

29.What was the reaction of the early man to wonders of nature?
1)Respect and submission
2) Strong feeling of excitement
3) Strong desire to emulate
4) Passionate to appeal to God
5)Strong believe that God has created this world

30.Which of the following words has the SAME in meaning to the word 'immune' as used in the passage?
1) Sensible
2) Insensible
3) healthy
4) unhealthy
5) ressistable

Directions (Q. 31-35): Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3) and 4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and 'No correction is required', mark 5) as the answer.
31. Starting out my own business at this time would affect the financial stability of my family.
1) Starting up my
2) For starting with
3) To start out mine
4) By starting my
5) No Correction Required

32.Use a tactic for mixing the inferior with good quality rice is dishonest and you will lose your license.
1) Using tactics as
2) Using a tactic like
3) To use tactics
4) Used to tactics like
5) No Correction Required

33.The company will invest more six hundred crores in the next five years to expand its operations in Britian.
1) will further invest
2) has invested more than
3) have invested over
4) will be invested above
5) No Correction Required

34.Several of our projects have delayed because the equipment we ordered was delivered late.
1)have been delayed when
2)delayed because of
3) were delayed since
4) were delayed with
5) No Correction Required

35.The committee has ruled out the possible raising taxes for this financial year.
1) possible raised
2) possible rise of
3) possibility to raise
4) possibility of raising
5) No Correction Required

Directions (Q. 36-40): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).

36. In about five minutes (1), they would / cover the distance from the road to the point (2)/ where the waves would (3) / begin lick their feet (4). No error (5)

37.The devastating experiences (1)/ of many wars taught some countries (2) / the necessary of pursuing peace (3)/ at the expense of nationalist egos. (4) No error (5)

38.The former superstar recently (1)/ visit an orphanage (2) / fuelling speculation that (3) / she is planning to adopt a child (4) No error (5)

39. Accordance to a new study (1)/ taking steps to remain healthy and young (2) / may help delay (3)/ the Alzheimer's disease (4). No error (5)

40. A day after he was diagnosed with (1) / swine flu, preventive measures were put in place (2)/ to ensure that others were not (3)/ affected by the dreaded virus (4). No error (5)


1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (5) 4. (2) 5. (2) 6. (5) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (1) 10. (3)
11. (1) 12. (3) 13. (5) 14. (2) 15. (1) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (5) 19. (3) 20. (3)
21. (4) 22. (5) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (1) 26. (3) 27. (5) 28. (2) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (1) 32. (2) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (4) 36. (4) 37. (3) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (1)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gurgaon Gramin Bank Clerk Exam., 2011

General English 
(Exam Held on 5-6-2011) 

Directions–(Q. 1–15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Once there was an elderly widow, Chen Ma, who lived with her only son inside a forest in the Shanxi Province. Her son was one of the tiger hunters licensed by the local magistrate. His share of the profits from the sale of tiger skins, meat and bones was sufficient to keep the small mud hut well provisioned for himself and his old mother. All was well until a particularly bitter winter. During a snowstorm, Chen Ma's son was separated from his fellow hunters and became food for a hungry tigress.

After her initial shock and grief subsided, Chen Ma took stock of her own utterly desperate situation. She went and implored the magistrate to provide her with compensation for the loss of her son, who was her only source of support. The magistrate decreed that henceforth, she would have a small share of profits from the kill of each tiger by the hunters. Needless to say, his decision was not taken well by the hunters, who had plenty of mouths of their own to feed. So, when the hunters succeeded in killing the tigress that ate Chen Ma's son, they decided not to give her a share of the profits. Instead, they brought her the tigress' newborn cub. He was a small quivery ball of golden fur with wobbly legs and toothless gums. Instantly, Chen Ma's heart went out to this helpless creature.

After the hunters left, the tiger cub wobbled to where Chen Ma sat and lay at her feet. She bent down to rub his ears and he licked her shoes. The elderly widow looked at the tiger baby and sighed. "They told me to butcher you, to salt and smoke your flesh for my meat supply. Your skin would make warm boots for my feet; your bones are good for making balm to ease the pain in my joints. But oh, how can I bear to kill you ?" And so, Chen Ma untied the rope from the little tiger's neck and fed him a paste of cooked roots with her fingers. Her son had a good supply of grains and roots in the attached shed. When the store of the firewood was running low, Chen Ma slept curling against the baby tiger, whose soft fur was cozy and warm.

Once ever so often, women from nearby villages would bring sewing for Chen Ma to do. She was very handy with a needle. They paid her for her labour with small sacks of grain. At first they did not find the little tiger's presence alarming; he was no bigger than a piglet. However, when spring came, he had grown into the size of a calf, showing a full set of teeth and claws. The women told their hunter husbands and the men came to kill the young tiger.

Chen Ma armed herself with her son's hunting spear arid threatened to gut anyone who dared to harm her beloved pet. "I've lost both husband and son. This tiger is the only companion I have now. I shall go to the magistrate and request to adopt him as my son."

The hunters thought the old woman had become mad and jeered at her. But since she was so determined, they dared not kill her tiger without the magistrate's permission. So they followed Chen Ma and her tiger all the way to the official's judgement hall.

"Venerable Mother," said the magistrate. "Your request is most unusual. Are you not afraid that someday the tiger might revert to his wild nature and devour you ?"

"Honourable sir ," replied the old widow with tears in her eyes. "What is there to fear ? I have lived too long. The only worry I have now is being left utterly alone. Please let me adopt this young tiger, for he has become like a son in my affections."

The kind magistrate did not have the heart to refuse such an ancient woman's pleading. So he had his assistant draw up a document for the tiger's adoption. In order to protect the tiger from the hunters' arrows and spears, the magistrate ordered a large copper pendent made to hang around the beast's neck. The words 'Fu Chee' were engraved on the pendent meaning Tiger Son. To show her deep gratitude, Chen Ma knelt down in front of the magistrate. Then she led Fu Chee back to their home in the forest.

By next winter, Fu Chee had grown into his maximum size. Chen Ma's hut was in danger of collapsing whenever the tiger became playful. Reluctantly, she allowed Fu Chee to make his home inside a cave nearby.

However, the affectionate tiger came back to visit his adopted mother often. Also, he still liked to lick her shoes and to have his ears rubbed. Chen Ma's needs were being cared for just as if her natural son was still alive! After Chen Ma died at the ripe old age past one hundred, the hunters noticed Fu Chee guarded her tomb nightly. They left him undisturbed as he had never attacked any humans or domestic animals. This went on for a number of years and then one day the tiger was seen no more.

Out of deep respect and admiration for the filial tiger son, the hunters erected a small stone monument at Chen Ma's tomb with Fu Chee's story engraved on it. Henceforth, Fu Chee became a household legend in that part of Shanxi Province.

1. Why did Chen Ma not kill the tiger cub ?
(A) She found the cub helpless
(B) The cub was a gift from the hunters and she cherished it
(C) The magistrate had asked her not to kill the cub
(D) The cub immediately reminded her of her son
(E) She was too afraid of the cub to go near him
Ans : (A)

2. Why was a stone monument of Fu Chee erected at Chen Ma's tomb ?
(A) It was because Chen Ma had loved only Fu Chee her entire life and no one else
(B) It was out of fear of Fu Chee who was adopted by Ch~n Ma
(C) It was so that Fu Chee would not attack any humans or animals after Chen Ma's death
(D) It was out of reverence for Fu Chee who came to Chen Ma's tomb regularly after her death
(E) Not mentioned in the passage
Ans : (D)

3. How did Chen Ma's son die ?
(A) He had died while fighting for his province
(B) He was eaten by a tigress
(C) He was sentenced to death by the magistrate
(D) He was killed by the hunters
(E) He died of old age
Ans : (B)

4. Why did the hunters come to kill the tiger at Chen Ma's house ?
(A) The tiger had attacked the hunter's wives when they had visited Chen Ma' s house
(B) The tiger had displayed signs of aggression when the hunters had visited Chen Ma's
(C) The tiger had grown big and the hunters' wives were afraid of him
(D) There Were no other tigers left in the province to kill
(E) They wanted to seek revenge from Chen Ma because she had been getting free food from them
Ans : (C)

5. Which of the following characteristics can be attributed to Chen Ma from the story ?
(a) She was loving
(b) She was crazy.
(c) She was brave.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (a) and (c)
(C) All. (a), (b) and (c)
(D) Only (c)
(E) Only (b) and (c)
Ans : (B)

6. Why did the hunters give Chen Ma a tiger cub ?
(A) So that the magistrate would never make such unreasonable demands from the hunters in the future
(B) So that she could have a companion now that her son was dead
(C) So that she could kill him and use his flesh and bones
(D) So that she could take back her request to the magistrate
(E) So that she could get revenge for her son's death
Ans : (E)

7. Why did Chen Ma go to the magistrate the second time ?
(A) She wanted to adopt the tiger and make him her son
(B) She wanted the magistrate to name him
(C) She wanted the magistrate to punish all the hunters of the province
(D) She wanted the magistrate to build a cave for the tiger
(E) She wanted the magistrate to compensate her for the death of her son
Ans : (A)

8. Which of the following can be said about Fu Chee ?
(a) He was loyal.
(b) He was affectionate.
(c) He hunted down humans.
(A) Only (b)
(B) Only (c)
(C) Only (a)
(D) Only (a) and{b)
(E) Only (a) and (c)
Ans : (D)

9. Which of the following can be the most appropriate title for the passage/story ?
(A) Chen Ma and The Hunters
(B) The Kind Magistrate
(C) The Hunters of Shanxi
(D) The Self-Sacrificing Mother
(E) Fu Chee-The Loyal Tiger
Ans : (E)

10. Why did Chen Ma not allow the hunters to kill the tiger ?
(A) She believed that the tiger guarded her well
(B) She wanted to use the tiger's flesh for her own consumption
(C) She wanted to become popular as the only woman to have adopted a tiger
(D) She wanted the tiger to guard her tomb after her death
(E) She loved the tiger
Ans : (E)

Directions– (Q. 11–13) Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Boasted
(B) Feared
(C) Mocked
(D) Encouraged
(E) Called
Ans : (C)

(A) Awakening
(B) Soothing
(C) Alerting
(D) Placating
(E) Frightening
Ans : (E)

13. GUT
(A) Kill
(B) Brave
(C) Reward
(D) Praise
(E) List
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q. 14–15) Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Discard
(B) Endanger
(C) Uncover
(D) Shield
(E) Save
Ans : (E)

(A) Closed
(B) Reacted
(C) Fastened
(D) Shut
(E) Removed
Ans : (E)

Directions– (Q. 16–20) Which of the words (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) given below each sentence should fill the blank in the sentence to make it grammatically and meaningfully correct ?

16. Naresh owed me a significant of …………
(A) sums
(B) cash
(C) token
(D) load
(E) amount
Ans : (E)

17. Kirti would not have passed the exams…………..her brother not helped her .
(A) since
(B) whether
(C) had
(D) since
(E) if
Ans : (B)

18. This story………… how the noble heroes of the past adhered to the principle of truth and honesty .
(A) understands
(B) narrates
(C) says
(D) tells
(E) depicts
Ans : (D)

19. The weeping mother tried to make her son do as she wished, I but he was………….. (A) ignored
(B) refused
(C) adamant
(D) agreeable
(E) removed
Ans : (C)

20. A foolish man will insult his superiors with harsh words whereas a wise man will maintain…………..
(A) noise
(B) silence
(C) composed
(D) quite
(E) relation
Ans : (B)

Directions– (Q. 21–25) In each question below, a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) i.e., All correct' as your answer.

21. Everyone (A) in office agrees (B) that your (C) very intelligent. (D) All correct. (E)
Ans : (C)

22. Crying (A) is journally (B) considered (C) to be a negative (D) emotion. All correct. (E)
Ans : (B)

23. Soon enogh (A) Amogh returned (B) home safe (C) and unscathed. (D) All correct (E)
Ans : (A)

24. The meating (A) went on smoothly (B) without any glitch (C) and every. body congratulated (D) the speaker. All correct (E)
Ans : (A)

25. Gaurang wowed (A) to never (B) smoke a cigarette ever again (C) in his entire (D) life. All correct (E)
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) That very night those Sages had a great ceremony for the purpose of doing good to the wife of the King, but the King did not know that.
(b) The King saw the jar of water on the altar and without stopping to think he went quickly towards it and drank up all the water.
(c) The King came forward at once and truthfully owned that he, being very thirsty, had drunk the water.
(d) It happened once that King Ashoka, who had been observing a great fast and was suffering from hunger and thirst, entered the hermitage of some great Sages quite late in the night.
(e) Soon after the Sages awoke and found that there was no water in the jar, and they began to ask who would have done such a thing as take the water they had prepared for the King's wife from off the altar.
(f) The Sages had a large jar of water which they had blessed and made holy to cure the King's wife, and they put the jar on the altar and then went to sleep, for they were very tired.

26. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (e)
Ans : (D)

27. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (f)
Ans : (A)

28. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
(E) (f)
Ans : (E)

29. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (e)
(E) (f)
Ans : (B)

30. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) (f)
(B) (e)
(C) (d)
(D) (c)
(E) (b)
Ans : (D)

Directions– (Q. 31–40) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

31. We were not exactly (A) / in the beach, but were (B) / close enough to taste (C) / the salt in the air. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)

32. Tina sat on her bed (A) / and read a book till (B) / it was time for her to (C) / go to sleep. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (E)

33. It was lately morning (A) / when the soldiers (B) / came knocking (C) / on the door. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)

34. Puneet looked up (A) / for see customers crowding into (B) / his shop to get a free sample (C) / of his new delicacy. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)

35. Jimmy was made to (A) / sit in an office which (B) / was empty except (C) / than two chairs and one table. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)

36. The dog leapt (A) / forward, breaking (B) / free from (C) / its owner's grasp. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (E)

37. She threw herself (A) / into her mother's arms (B) / and weep (C) / with sorrow. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)

38. Krupa had heard (A) / Mahesh yelling (B) / and thought it best (C) / to left him alone. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)

39. Robert looked at (A) / his friend who, according to (B) / his mother, was (C) / a very mischievous boy. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (E)

40. Although Gopi could not see (A) / who was shootirig at him, (B) / he started crawling away (C) / drag his bag behind him. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)

Directions– (Q. 41–50) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

One day, overnight, the world turned violet. Just ...(41)... everything turned violet from the sky and ocean and mountains to the trees and animals and people and from the tallest skyscrapers to the tiniest ant. People sat around looking at one another wondering if they were dreaming. But things stayed violet, all except for a single Blue Jay who hadn't changed colour and stayed the brightest blue. Being the only thing in the world that wasn't violet, he was ...(42)... and put in a cage. People were shocked as whole families Were violet as were teachers, movie stars, doctors, nurses, gas station attendants, everybody. The smartest scientists in the world gathered to ...(43)... it out. They did studies and tests and analyzed and evaluated and debated and wrote article after article, but couldn't explain it. The colour of the Blue Jay became a big issue because he had such a little bit of blue and the world had such a whole lot of violet. People argued about the importance of that. Some said the Blue Jay must be a very special bird or may be not a bird at all because he alone had kept his true colour. Others said this was silly, that the Blue Jay ate bird seed and drank water and fluffed his feathers and that other ...(44)... his special colour he was still just a bird. It was exactly one year to the day after the world had turned violet th'at people awoke to find the world had turned yellow. All except the Blue Jay. Now the Blue Jay was ...(45)... important than ever because he alone had stayed the colour blue and people argued about what that meant. They lined up for miles just to take a look at him.

For the next two years, exactly on the day the world had turned violet and then yellow, It turned new colours : first orange and then pink. Still the Blue Jay stayed blue, ...(46). ..every greater disagreement -until in the fifth year the whole world turned blue. The first thing people asked was what about the Blue Jay. ...(47)... he stayed blue ? Yes, he was still the same colour. No ...(48). ..were there two colours in the world, but just one -the colour blue. And because the Blue Jay was a colour like everybody and everything else somebody let him out of his cage and he flew off looking happy to be free. The very next morning the world ...(49) ...its rainbow of colours as if nothing had ever ...(50) At first this was a novelty but soon people forgot the world had once been all violet, then turned yellow, then orange, then pink and then blue.

41. (A) with
(B) all
(C) about
(D) almost
(E) from
Ans : (D)

42. (A) killed
(B) capture
(C) pushed
(D) caught
(E) lift
Ans : (D)

43. (A) figure
(B) spread
(C) find
(D) explain
(E) measure
Ans : (B)

44. (A) besides
(B) then
(C) but
(D) feature
(E) than
Ans : (E)

45. (A) more
(B) many
(C) least
(D) supreme
(E) very
Ans : (A)

46. (A) making
(B) seeing
(C) growing
(D) becoming
(E) causing
Ans : (E)

47. (A) Does
(B) Did
(C) Was
(D) Had
(E) Is
Ans : (D)

48. (A) time
(B) longer
(C) on
(D) doubt
(E) much
Ans : (B)

49. (A) get
(B) granted
(C) regained
(D) receive
(E) shed
Ans : (C)

50. (A) created
(B) happened
(C) become
(D) changes
(E) occur
Ans : (B)

Indian Overseas Bank Clerk Exam., 2011

English Language
(Held on 29-5-2011) 

Directions– (Q. 1–15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Once upon a time, there was a shrewd shopkeeper called Makarand. He had a friend called Mihir, who had saved a lot of money. Mihir was keen on going on a pilgrimage, but he did not know where to leave his precious savings. So he came to Makarand's shop and said, "My friend, I trust you more than anyone. Could you please look after my life's savings till I return from my pilgrimage?" Makarand pretended to be deep in thought, and then said, "I would rather not. Money spoils relationships. What if something happens to your money while you are away? You will no longer be my friend.’’

As Mihir stood there by his shop thinking about what his friend had just said, an old woman entered the shop and bought some things. One of the boys helping Makarand, gave her less change than he should have. Maka-rand saw this and pretended to scold the boy, he then ordered him to return the remaining money to the woman. Mihir not knowing that this was an act put up by Makarand to make him believe that he was honest, was convinced about his decision and said to Makarand, "I have decided. I will leave the money only with you." Makarand smiled. "Then let us do something. Let's take the bag of coins and bury it in a place that only you and I will know of. That way, even if something happens to me while you are away, you will know where your money is."

Mihir, simple that he was, thought this was a good idea and the two went and hid the bag in a secret place. Mihir left the next day on his pilgrimage, happy his savings were in safe hands. Six months later, Mihir returned. He dumped his luggage at home and went to dig out his bag of savings. But even though he searched and searched for his valuables, there was no sign of the bag anywhere. In panic, he ran to Makarand, who was busy in his shop. When Mihir asked him about the bag, Makarand pretended to be surprised, "But I did not go that way in all these months. Why don't you search for it again ?" he said, putting on his most innocent look. Mihir had no choice but to believe him. Sadly, he went home.

On the way, as luck would have it, he met the old woman he had seen in Makarand's shop. Seeing him sad, she asked him what the matter was. Mihir told her the whole story .Then she smiled and whispered a plan to him. Not long after, the woman came to Makarand's shop, carrying a big box. "Brother, I heard you are a good and honest man. My son went on a pilgrimage many months ago and has still not returned. I am worried and have decided to go and look for him. Will you look after my box of two hundred gold coins while I am away ?"

Makarand could not believe his luck. He was about to launch into his idea about hiding the box, when an angry Mihir entered the shop, 'Where is …………' but before he could complete his sentence; Makarand, afraid of being accused in front of the old woman, said quickly, “I forgot. I had seen some pigs digging around there and had removed the bag just to keep it safe. Here it is.” And he handed Mihir the bag he had stolen many months ago.

Now, the old woman pretended she was seeing Mihir for the first time, "Son, did you also go on a pilgrimage? Could you tell me if you : met my son anywhere ? His name is ; Jahangir." Mihir, clutching onto his precious bag, said, "Yes, Auntie, I met him on the road a few villages r away. He was on his way to home. t He should be here in a week."

The old woman leaned over and took her box away from Makarand. "Thank you, brother, you have saved me an unnecessary trip. Now, I will need some money to prepare for my son's welcome," she added and the two left the shop. Makarand could only stare at them open-mouthed.

1. What incident in the passage convinced Mihir that Makarand was indeed an honest man ?
(a) The incident where he scolded his helper boy for returning less change to the old woman who was a customer in his shop.
(b) The fact that Makarand refused to keep Mihir's money, in the event that it might destroy their friendship.
(c) The incident where Makarand told Mihir that he had kept his bag with him as he saw pigs digging at the very spot where the treasure was buried.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) Only (b) and (c)
(E) Only (a) and (c)
Ans : (A)

2. What was Makarand's real intention for wanting to bury Mihir's bag of valuables ?
(A) He wanted Mihir to know where the money would be in case something happened to him while Mihir was away
(B) He did not feel safe keeping Mihir's bag of valuables with him
(C) He wanted to steal the money while Mihir was away
(D) He wanted the pigs to dig out the bag so he could steal it
(E) He wanted to be a part of a far more adventurous plan
Ans : (C)

3. Where did Makarand and Mihir bury the bag of coins ?
(A) In a secret place in Mihir's garden
(B) In the ground under Makarand's shop
(C) In the old woman's backyard
(D) In his shop
(E) Not indicated in the passage
Ans : (E)

4. Which of the following is true with regard to Mihir ?
(A) Mihir accused Makarand of stealing his valuables
(B) Mihir helped the old woman find her son
(C) Mihir left his life's savings with the old woman
(D) Mihir trusted Makarand with his valuables
(E) Mihir strongly believed that keeping others' money spoilt relationships
Ans : (D)

5. Why did Mihir want to keep his life's savings with Makarand ?
(a) Makarand had a locker in his shop.
(b) He trusted his friend Makarand more than anyone else.
(c) He was scared that if he buried his savings, the pigs would dig it out.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) Either (b) or (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

6. Which of the following statements is false according to passage ?
(A) The old woman's son went on the same pilgrimage as Mihir
(B) The old woman helped Mihir recover his savings from Makarand
(C) Makarand was a very shrewd shopkeeper
(D) Mihir had gone away on a pilgrimage
(E) Makarand had stolen Mihir's money
Ans : (A)

7. Why was Mihir sad after returning from the pilgrimage ?
(a) He lost all his valuables while returning from the pilgrimage.
(b) The valuables that he had buried safely had all disappeared. ]
(c) He had spent far too much of his savings on the pilgrimage.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (b) and (c)
(D) Only (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

8. In the end, why did Makarand return Mihir's money ?
(a) He realised that he had done the wrong thing by pretending to be unaware of Mihir's misfortune.
(b) The old woman offered to give him two hundred gold coins if he returned Mihir's money back.
(c) He did not want to be accused of having stolen Mihir's money in front of the old woman.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) Only (a) and (c)
(E) All (a), (b) and (c)
Ans : (C)

Directions– (Q. 9–12) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word/s printed in bold as used in the passage.

9. Clutching
(A) Releasing
(B) Fixing
(C) Holding
(D) Sticking
(E) Obtaining
Ans : (C)

10. Keen
(A) Eager
(B) Hurried
(C) Planning
(D) Fortunate
(E) Deserving
Ans : (A)

11. Choice
(A) Understanding
(B) Regard
(C) Value
(D) Pick
(E) Option
Ans : (E)

12. Whole
(A) Partial
(B) Some
(C) Entire
(D) Total
(E) Part
Ans : (C)

Directions– (Q. 13–15) Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

13. Complete
(A) Partial
(B) Start
(C) Incomplete
(D) End
(E) Finish
Ans : (B)

14. Sadly
(A) Quietly
(B) Dejectedly
(C) Happily
(D) Disturbingly
(E) Lonely
Ans : (C)

15. Forgot
(A) Found
(B) Memorised
(C) Lost
(D) Claimed
(E) Remembered
Ans : (E)

Directions– (Q. 16–20) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence, The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) i.e. 'No error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any)

16. The more enlightened (A) / factory owners (B) / build homes for their (C) / workers in Britain in the 19th century. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (A)

17. Most criminals (A) / realises that they may be caught, (B) / but nevertheless (C) / they are prepared to take the risk. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (B)

18. Strictly speaking, (A) / spiders are not insects, (B) / although most people (C) / think them are. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (D)

19. The actress is also (A) / widely respected in (B) / the music world (C) / and deserving so. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (E)

20. The story was (A) / inspired by (B) / a chance meeting (C) / with an old Russian duke. (D) No error (E)
Ans : (C)

Directions– (Q. 21–25) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer.

21. He is held regard as the Chief's right-hand man.
(A) regards as
(B) to regard as
(C) regarded as
(D) being regarded for
(E) No correction required
Ans : (C)

22. The inquiry has to bring to light some starting facts .
(A) bring light to
(B) brought to the lights
(C) brings to light
(D) brought to light
(E) No correction required
Ans : (D)

23. My friend went his way out to oblige me.
(A) out on his way
(B) out of his way
(C) so out of the way
(D) little way out
(E) No correction required
Ans : (B)

24. They are determined to stand up for their rights.
(A) be standing up
(B) for standing up
(C) stand up to
(D) stand on
(E) No correction required
Ans : (E)

25. Recently my expenses have gone run up considerably.
(A) run up
(B) to rise up
(C) had to run up
(D) got upwards
(E) No correction required
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q. 26–30) Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

26. Rachana saw me…………for a bus, she stopped and …………me a lift.
(A) standing – took
(B) stopped – gave
(C) walking – sat
(D) testing – signalled
(E) waiting – offered
Ans : (E)

27. During winter, we can…………ourselves from the cold by wearing…………clothes.
(A) protect – warm
(B) establish – light
(C) save – good
(D) stop – thick
(E) escape – cotton
Ans : (A)

28. The school refused to…………acts of …………behaviour.
(A) overcome – spoilt
(B) tolerate – violent
(C) overlook – sudden
(D) appreciate – bravery
(E) comment – deserving
Ans : (B)

29. The actor was not …………by public criticism and paid no…………even to the poor reviews in the media.
(A) affected – attention
(B) troubled – mind
(C) effected – regard
(D) bothered – justification
(E) shocked – notices
Ans : (A)

30. The…………words of the teacher comforted the…………student.
(A) harsh – sorrowful
(B) encouraging – anxious
(C) reality – nervous
(D) wise – happy
(E) distracter – confused
Ans : (B)

Directions–(Q. 31–35) In each question below, four words printed in bold are given. These are lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E) i.e.' All Correct' as your answer.

31. An overly (A) obsessed (B) mother from Banaras wrote (C) in to tell me of her trajedy. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (D)

32. The cat is sitting in front (A) of the television (B) with its tail, stretched (C) out strait. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (D)

33. It would (A) be wrong to infer (B) that people who are overweight (C) are always sickly. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (D)

34. The witness (A) stated (B) that he had not sean (C) the woman before. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (C)

35. Her giggles (A) were infecsious (B) and soon (C) we were all laughing. (D) All Correct (E)
Ans : (B)

Directions– (Q. 36–40) Rearrange the following five sentences (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(a) The owner of the house was furious.
(b) After it had gone, a donkey who craved popularity climbed the roof and tried to perform the same tricks.
(c) His servants went up, drove the donkey down, and beat him black and blue.
(d) A monkey climbed the roof of a house and entertained the people who had gathered below to watch him at his antics.
(e) In the process, the donkey dislodged and broke several tiles.

36. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) a
(B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e
Ans : (D)

37. Which of the following should be the FIFTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) e
(B) d
(C) c
(D) b
(E) a
Ans : (D)

38. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) a
(B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e
Ans : (C)

39. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) a
(B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e
Ans : (E)

40. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement ?
(A) a
(B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e
Ans : (A)

Directions– (Q. 41–50) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The Emperor of China ...(41)... some peaches to the king of Tondmandalam with a note ...(42)...that the fruit gives long life to anyone who eats them. As the fruits were being shown to the ruler, Raffia, giving in to temptation, ...(43)... up one of the luscious peaches and ...(44)... into it. The king was ...(45) "You've bitten into a fruit ...(46)... for me !" he thundered. "For this you must die !" As Raffia was being taken away by the royal guards he sighed dramatically and exclaimed: "What a deceitful man the Emperor of China is. He ...(47)... the fruit gives long life. I took just one bite and I am about to die. Oh, what fate ...(48)... the one who eats the entire fruit !" The king was ...(49)... amused by Raffia's wit. He not only ...(50)... him but gave him a dozen of the peaches he had risked his life for .

41. (A) parcel
(B) grown
(C) bought
(D) sent
(E) give
Ans : (D)

42. (A) stating
(B) attach
(C) stuck
(D) telling
(E) meaning
Ans : (A)

43. (A) reached
(B) picked
(C) take
(D) secured
(E) stole
Ans : (B)

44. (A) touched
(B) smell
(C) opened
(D) bit
(E) look
Ans : (D)

45. (A) enraged
(B) harsh
(C) teasing
(D) eager
(E) sober
Ans : (A)

46. (A) parcel
(B) made
(C) designed
(D) send
(E) meant
Ans : (E)

47. (A) promises
(B) directed
(C) said
(D) told
(E) meant
Ans : (A)

48. (A) has
(B) holds
(C) awaits
(D) for
(E) stores
Ans : (C)

49. (A) also
(B) farther
(C) being
(D) little
(E) greatly
Ans : (E)

50. (A) rejected
(B) pardoned
(C) praise
(D) left
(E) forgive
Ans : (B)